Marley Electric Heater for Greenhouses

Marley Electric Heater Supplied by Greenhouse Style Corporation


Setting Your Electric Thermostat

Our Marley Electric Heater comes with a built-in thermostat, a very important feature. While these built-in thermostats are not a precision instrument, a temperature range from cool to hot can be set.

You will need our minimum/maximum thermometer to set your desired temperature inside the greenhouse. This is done when you experience a few colder nights.

To calibrate the temperature, at night time set the built-in thermostat to the range that you think is close to what you want the inside temperature to be in the greenhouse. Your plants will dictate the temperature that they should be kept at.  Some plants can survive cooler temperatures while other plants will need tropical temperatures.  A hot temperature range is considered to be above 70 degrees F and a cool greenhouse temperature ranges between 30 and 50 degrees F. Many plants are kept at a mid range of 50 to 65 degrees F.

In the morning, check your minimum/maximum thermometer to find out the coolest temperature inside the greenhouse during the night. Now you can move your thermostat up or down to achieve the temperature that you want to maintain as the lowest in the greenhouse. Repeat this process as needed, and you may want to keep a journal to use throughout the upcoming months.

To maintain a specific temperature inside the greenhouse, consider adding an external greenhouse thermostat. This greenhouse thermostat would need to be hard-wired to the heater’s power chord or to the power supply for the heater. This enables you to set a specific temperature.

Keep in mind that heater placement in the greenhouse, air circulation, placement of exhaust fans and outside temperature can create different temperature zones within the greenhouse. You may want to use your minimum/maximum thermometer in different zones throughout the greenhouse to find fluctuating greenhouse temperatures.

Greenhouse Style Corporation provides a complimentary minimum/maximum thermometer with all their greenhouses.

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